failure 227:
Requirement failed: {__getpgid.04.01} Function executed successfully with EOK error code, while `checkResult == true` means that EPERM SHALL be set
location |
trace |
/var/opt/lsb/test/olver-core/2013-01-18_15-48-05/process_pgroup_scenario.utz (process_pgroup_scenario.utt), line 131 |
occurence |
scenario |
process_pgroup_scenario |
specification function |
__getpgid_spec() |
parameter value |
CallContext context = [pid=4913,thr=b74866c0] |
parameter value |
ProcessId pid = struct ProcessId { system=0, process=5014 } |
parameter value |
ErrorCode * @errno = EOK |
parameter value |
ErrorCode * errno = EOK |
return value |
(ProcessId) struct ProcessId { system=0, process=4172 } |
coverage & branch |
C Request for process group ID for a process |
properties |
REQ failed |
__getpgid.04.01 |
kind |